Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lots of Stores, Lots of Savings!

We got all of this for about $20! Ok, that is a little misleading, it was more like $30, but we stopped at Hastings and sold some books there for $10, so I discounted that:) We started the day at CVS. The gain dish soap was on sale for 97 cents and I had $1 off coupons. I had them yesterday when we stopped at CVS, but since none of the sale signs were out I wasn't sure if they were on sale (I later felt very dumb since we price checked all of the stuff we bought at CVS yesterday!). Oh, well, it was on our way home from buying coupons. So 2 gain dish soaps= 10 cents (happy I was smart enough to bring a quarter in with me so I didn't have to put that on a debit card).

After coupon clipping in the morning and a delicious chicken skillet lunch that husband made cabin fever started to set in. So what better to do than go out and coupon shop! We started at Target. The deodorant and floss were free, the shampoo was 7 cents, we got 3 of the rice bags for 33 cents each and 2 for 50 cents each. Although the check out people did treat us a little bit like criminals, checking each of our items and telling us that we were trying to use coupons on 1 item (yes one is a target coupon and one is a manufacturer's coupon, ever read your store's coupon policy?) it was still a really good deal.

Then we stopped at Kroger. They have a deal this week for buy 4 participating cereals and get a $5 gift card back. In the ad it said the deal was for next week (which didn't make sense since it was in this week's ad!), but we called the store and they said it was a typo. So the cereal was $3 a box and I had 4 $1 off coupons, so we got 4 boxes of cereal for $8 plus a $5 gift card (makes it about 75 cents a box). We later used the $5 gift card at another Kroger when we bought all of that chef boyardee. It is on sale for $1 a can and I had lots of 50 cents off 3 cans coupons that doubled. So we got them for about 67 cents a can.

We also made a quick trip to Walmart just to grab some tomatoes and croutons for shrimp remoulade for dinner tomorrow- yum! While we were there we picked up some taco seasoning for free!

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