Sunday, July 17, 2011


It really is just amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in a few months. I look back on the first couple of pictures of our fledgling stockpile and smile when I think about how much stuff we have gotten and how very little we have paid for it. I sometimes really just can't believe that we have only been doing this for about 5 months. Today I thought I would show you some updated pictures of our stockpiling spaces. This space above used to just house our items like shampoo, body wash, etc. However, we are running a little short on space in our kitchen so husband finally convinced me to start putting some food items back there as well. We also have lots of stuff stored in those drawers.

I absolutely love this. I don't even like cereal, but husband does and so I have been able to amass this great wall of cereal for him, in case you are trying to count that is 20 boxes. I know that seems excessive, but he really does eat it like everyday and it stays good for a long time.
It seems like not long ago (maybe a month!) our new little freezer was almost totally empty, well not anymore! On my trip home my mom made us a ton of food (mmm... meatballs and spaghetti, yummy!). You can't see it really well, but we also have a half-gallon container of real New Orleans chocolate snoball, because what they call a snowball here is so not even close.

Speaking of being back home in New Orleans, it was a great time to stock up on shrimp. That whole left side of the freezer there in those ziploc bags- that is shrimp. I found them at home for $2/lb, this week in the Kroger ad a comparable size shrimp that were previously frozen were "on sale" for $6.99/lb and the websites were indicating that was a good price! My mommy also bought a lot, I mean a whole lot, of shrimp because they had some gorgeous larger ones, so she gave me some of those as well as what she had left in her freezer to make room for her new ones.

All of my shrimp will go very well with all of this pasta roni we bought today at Kroger. I can't even believe the price of this stuff! They have it included in the mega sale this week and after savings it is 49 cents a box- that is ridiculous! We use 2 boxes of the pasta and one bag of shrimp to make shrimp fettucinni, that makes dinner $3 which is awesome to me:) We also grabbed a couple of other things while we were there. We are going to make these amazing stuffed potatoes tonight, I'll post about that later, so we grabbed some stuff for that. I don't know if you have tried to buy bacon lately, but that stuff is super expensive. They had carolina pride bacon on sale this week for $2.50 and I had a coupon that made each pack $1.50, which is about half the price of what I normally consider to be a deal!

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