Sunday, May 8, 2011

My New Stockpiling Space

Stockpiling has been a little bit of an issue in our apartment. Since we live on campus it is pretty small and there isn't a lot of storage space to be had. We have a second bedroom, but it hasn't been much of a bedroom up until now because we have been storing most of the furniture that came with our apartment in there. I would say it is about an 8'x8' room and in addition to the stuff that is still in the room we were storing a sofa, queen sized bed, dining table and 3 chairs! I finally got the good news this week that they would come and take the furniture that we didn't want out (sorry to my other res life friends reading this... it is a professional staff deal). So yesterday while husband work and played his game I spent roughly 8 hours straight transforming the room we had before into and actual 2nd bedroom complete with stockpiling space that can be covered with a curtain! I wish I would have taken some "before" pictures, the difference is really pretty incredible.

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